Theophile Verbist, and his twin brother Edmund, were born on June 12, 1823, in Antwerp, Belgium to Guillaume Verbist and his second wife, Catherine Van Honsem. The twins had a …
In the above photo, we see the band of Yigüilaca, a community of Reitoca, F.M., Honduras. The church of Yigüilaca is dedicated to Saint John Paul II. The band of …
Today, Catholic Christians celebrate the Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, and we encounter a Gospel selection that is packed with instructions on how we are to live. In the Gospel …
Sometime in 1813, Margaret O’Rourke Gaffney was born in Ireland into a poor Catholic family, headed by her father, William, and mother Margaret. When she was five years old, however, …
In the above photo, we see three new altar servers (without vestments) with Father Bob and two seasoned altar servers of the Tablones, a community of Alubarén. The tallest of …
On this 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time, we encounter what has been labeled “The Sermon on the Plain” (Luke 6: 20-26). In this passage, Jesus is addressing the apostles, many …
Alfredo Cremonesi was born in Ripalta Guerina, Cremona, Kingdom of Italy, firstborn of seven children. His father, Enrico Cremonesi, was a grocer, and his mother, Maria Rosa Scartabellati, was a …
Today, Catholic Christians celebrate World Day of the Sick, a day we are encouraged to remember to pray for the sick as well as those who care for them, such …
On this Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, we read the fascinating story of Jesus blessing Simon and his fellow fishermen. As the fishermen were cleaning their boats after a night …
Jeanne-Marie Rendu was born on September 9, 1786, in Confort, France, eldest of four girls. Her parents were well respected small property owners of the area. In 1790, the leaders …
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