The Church of Chaparral

March 10, 2021
IFTTT Autopost

This is the Church of San Miguel in Chaparral, a community of Curarén, F.M., Honduras.

This church has a very special meaning to me, for it was here that I celebrated Mass on my first Christmas Eve in Honduras.  For my homily that evening, I told the story of how the Irish Catholics used to put candles in their windows on Christmas Eve when the British had outlawed the Faith, so that in case a Catholic priest would be passing by, he would know that this was a safe house to enter.  Today, in the United States, many people put electric candles in their windows as decorations at Christmastime, often not knowing the origin of the custom.

The people of Chaparral are very welcoming!

1 comment

Richard Creech

I did not know that.

March 10, 2021