Preparing a procession in Travesilla

September 20, 2023
IFTTT Autopost

Each one of the 90+ churches of our parish has a name, and every one of the church communities looks forward to having a Mass celebrated on their patronal feast day. 

This can be a special challenge when several have the same name.  Six of our parish’s churches, for example, have the name Sagrado Corazón de Jesús (Sacred Heart of Jesus).  So, the four priests of the parish have to ensure that each of the Sacred Heart churches, scattered over the 250-square miles of our parish, has a Mass. 

In the above photo, we see Fr. Bob (in the middle in a white alb) with some of the leaders of the Curarén community of Travesilla.  They are getting ready to have a procession into their church for Mass on the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, June 16, 2023.