OT 28 B – All things are possible for God

October 13, 2024
IFTTT Autopost

Today, Catholic Christians celebrate the 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time.

 In the Gospel passage from St. Mark that we have today (10: 17-30), we hear Jesus telling his disciples how hard it was for rich persons to “enter the kingdom of God.”  The disciples were horrified by this idea and asked, “Then who can be saved?”

Jesus answered by saying, “For human beings it is impossible, but not for God.  All things are possible for God.”

We don’t “earn” salvation, for salvation is a gift.  As Catholic Christians, we pray for the salvation of all humanity – everyone who lived in the past, all who are living today, and all who will live in the future.  Could this happen?  Can God do all things? 

In the above photo, we see Penny Cromer from Wilmington, North Carolina, pretending to be lifting up the Devil’s Rock that sits outside San Miguelito.  Legend has it that the devil comes and dances on this rock at night when nobody is around to watch. 

Visitors from our sister parish, the Basilica Shrine of St. Mary in Wilmington, North Carolina, like to get their photo holding up the rock as a memento of their trip.

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