Meet Dr. Marco!

June 15, 2020
Fr. Bob Kus

Today I introduce to you Dr. Marco Tulio Mejía, Herrera, the director of all the healthcare projects of our parish, San Francisco de Asís.

Dr. Marco has the honor of being one of the four original staff members of Clínica Santa María, joining the project in July 2012. 

Marco was born on December 22, 1982 in Tegucigalpa, F.M., Honduras, the capital.

In addition to his mother, Madeleine Herrera, who is a retired teacher, Dr. Mejía has two brothers, Fernando (35) a lawyer, and Luis (33) a manager of a company.

Marco attended Federico Fröebel for grade school and the Instituto Salesiano San Miguel in Tegucigalpa for high school.  Marco graduated from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras (UNAH) in 2011 with his Doctor en Medicina y Cirugía (M.D.).   Currently he is studying for his master´s degree in Health Care Projects Management in the Universidad Tecnológica Centroamericana (UNITEC).  He attends class every Saturday.

In his leisure time, Marco likes to read and play the guitar and electric bass.  He also enjoys going to movies and practicing martial arts.

One of Dr. Marco’s biggest dreams is to obtain a residency in Internal Medicine to become certified in that field.

For the future, Marco would love to see the health care projects of the parish of San Francisco de Asís – which includes Clínica Santa María – grow and flourish.  In fact, he longs for the day when the project will eventually become a small hospital to bring health care to the poor people living in the mountains of Honduras. 

Dr. Marco has visited our parish’s sister parish – the Basilica Shrine of St. Mary in Wilmington, North Carolina – many times in the past.  And because he is fluent in English and Spanish, he was able to address each Masses’ assembly in their own language. 

As a Catholic Christian, Dr. Marco believes that one of the most important calls we have is to help our brothers and sisters in need.  Marco sees Clínica Santa María as providing excellent opportunities to care for those in need, including saving many lives on a daily basis. 

The photo today shows Marco on the banks of the Cape Fear River in Wilmington, N.C. with the ship, USS North Carolina, in the background.