In today’s Gospel passage from St. Matthew (18: 21-35), we learn that we are to forgive others. Not only do we need to forgive others once or twice, we are to forgive them unlimited times, for we are to imitate God whose mercy and forgiveness are limitless. This is easier said than done, of course. Perhaps that is why we never hear politicians and religious figures clamoring to build monuments with the words, “Forgive your enemies” chiseled on them.
Today, Catholic Christians also celebrate Catechetical Sunday. This is a day set aside to honor those who give their time and talents to teach the Catholic Christian Faith to children, youth, and adults. Catechists are one of the most important of all ministers of the Church, for without them, people would not know the beauty of our Faith. They would not know the riches contained in the Bible. They would not understand the sacraments that Jesus gave us to treasure and celebrate.
Today, on behalf of all the ministers of our parish, I say, “Thank you catechists! May God continue to bless you, and may the Holy Spirit continue to inspire you with wisdom and joy and love!”