Altar of the Church of Saracarán/Cafetales

July 20, 2022
IFTTT Autopost

This is the altar area of the Church of Saracarán, also known as Cafetales.  The name of the church is Inmaculada Concepción.

Our parish, San Francisco de Asís, is composed of 5 municipalities scattered over a 250-square mile area in the mountains of southern Honduras.  In the municipality of Reitoca, which is about 90-square miles, 23 of the 87 churches of our parish are located; Saracarán/Cafetales is one of them.  Because St. Sebastian is the patron saint of Reitoca, and because this community is part of the municipality of Reitoca, it celebrates the feast of St. Sebastian (January 20) each year.  In this photo, for example, you can see the statue of St. Sebastian who is visiting this community near his feast day.  (St. Sebastian is the statue on the right in the photo.)