Alubarén Plaza

June 3, 2020
Fr. Bob Kus

In Central America, like other parts of Latin America, it is customary to have a plaza in front of the Catholic church. Or, put another way, the church is on the plaza.  My guess is they both arrived at the same time!

In the five pueblos, or municipality centers of our parish, the Catholic church is right on the plaza.  Definitely one of the most beautiful and well-used plazas is that of the community of Alubarén.  Of course, when you have a town founded in the early 1600’s, you’ve had a lot of time to put something together that is very beautiful.

One of the best things about this plaza is its abundance of huge shade trees that block out the brutal Central American sun.  Plus, it has plenty of seats to relax, and a nice fountain in the center where dogs, especially, like to drop by for a dip or a drink.

In this photo, we see Shane Fernando who was visiting Alubarén one day during the lunch hour for the students.  The students were fascinating by what he was drawing (the church), so they were on hand to be in this photo.  Shane is the Director of the Wilson Center in Wilmington, North Carolina and a lector at the Basilica Shrine of St. Mary in the same city.

1 comment

Sharon Brown

So like to see all the visitors who come to spend time with the people, and families of these beautful and historic Church communities. So much history. Please continue to share, Father.

June 7, 2020