Blessed Isidore Bakanja: Congolese Home Missionary Martyr

August 7, 2024
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Isidore Bakanja was born around 1887 in the African nation of Congo Free State, known today as the Democratic Republic of Congo. 

When he was eighteen years old, some Cistercian missionaries came to his village, and he was baptized as a Catholic Christian. 

Isidore took his faith very seriously, and he took to heart all that the missionary priests taught him.  Although he was most likely not a formal catechist, he loved to share his faith with whomever would listen, and he was known for always carrying his rosary wherever he went.  He also wore a brown scapular beneath his clothing.

He eventually left his village for a larger city where there were more Catholics.  There, he obtained a job with a Belgian company.  Quickly, however, he discovered that the managers of the company hated Catholics as much as they hated black-skinned people.  So, he asked to go home.  The company refused his request.

Then, one of the agents who had a particular hatred of Isidore, told Isidore to stop preaching to the people.  The agent said that Isidore didn’t stop preaching, the whole village would begin to pray, and nobody would get any work done.  Further, the agent ordered Isidore to throw away his scapular.  When Isidore refused, the agent had him flogged two different times.  In the second round of flogging, the agent used a whip with nails at the end of it, delivering one-hundred blows.

When the agent was done, Isidore was almost dead and could barely walk.  However, Isidore hid himself in bushes until an inspector came to the company.  Then, Isidore made his presence known.  Unfortunately, though the inspector tried to save Isidore’s life, all of the wounds Isidore had suffered were infected.  Every day, for six months, Isidore lay in severe pain.

Isidore told the priests who came to celebrate the Sacrament of the Sick with him that they should tell the people that he was killed for being a Christian.  He also told the priests that he had forgiven his killer and would continue to pray for killer when he was in heaven.

Isidore Bakanja died on August 15, 1909 in Busira, Belgian Congo, today known as the Democratic Republic of Congo.  At his death, he had a rosary in his hand, and he was wearing his brown scapular.

Pope John Paul II beatified Isidore on April 24, 1994.  Blessed Isidore Bakanja’s feast day is August 15.

At the beatification ceremony, the pope said, “In an Africa that is sorely tried by ethnic strife, your shining example is an encouragement to harmony and reconciliation among the children of the same heavenly Father.  You showed brotherly love to all, without distinction of race or social class; you earned the esteem and respect of your companions, many of whom were not Christians.  Thus, you show us the necessary way of dialogue among men.”