On this 6th Sunday in Ordinary Time, we encounter what has been labeled “The Sermon on the Plain” (Luke 6: 20-26). In this passage, Jesus is addressing the apostles, many …
On this Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, we read the fascinating story of Jesus blessing Simon and his fellow fishermen. As the fishermen were cleaning their boats after a night …
Today, Catholic Christians celebrate the feast of the Presentation of the Lord. Additionally, we celebrate World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life. In today’s Gospel, we read: When the days …
Today, on this Third Sunday in Ordinary Time, we read part of St. Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians that compares the Church to a body (1 Cor 12: 12-30). …
Today, Catholic Christians celebrate the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time. On this day, we read the following from St. Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians: “There are different kinds of …
Today, Catholic Christians celebrate the Baptism of the Lord by his relative, John the Baptist, in the River Jordan. In the Scripture account of the event, we also catch a …
Today, Catholic Christians celebrate the feast of the Epiphany, or “showing,” of the Christ Child to visitors from the East. We read in the Gospel of Matthew: After their audience …
Today we celebrate the feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Many people use this feast day to reflect on their own family. And that is a …
Today, Catholic Christians celebrate the Fourth Sunday of Advent. If you have a traditional Advent wreath, you would light all four candles today – the 3 purple and 1 pink …
Today, Catholic Christians celebrate the Third Sunday of Advent, the Sunday of Joy. It is one of the only two Sundays of the Church Year, when the celebrant may wear …
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