Christ the King – Fausto Flores Castillo: 50 Years as a Delegado

November 20, 2022
IFTTT Autopost

This is Señor Fausto Flores Castillo of San Barolo, a community of the municipality of Curarén.  This photo was taken on June 30, 2018.  On that day, the community of San Bartolo came together to celebrate a special Mass for Fausto in honor of his 50 years serving the community as a Delegado de la Palabra (Delegate of the Word).  The name of this community’s church is San Bartolo, the same name as the village.

Delegados de la Palabra are men and women of the parish who receive special formation to lead their communities.  They: prepare and celebrate Liturgies of the Word on Thursdays and Sundays; conduct funerals and novenas following deaths; visit the sick; baptize infants who are in danger of death; celebrate Quinceañeras; care for the buildings of the church community; complete necessary paperwork for sacraments such as Baptisms, Confirmations, Weddings; and the like.  They also ensure that their community has catechists to teach the faith to children, youth, and adults.  In cases where the community does not have catechists, Delegados step and in meet the catechetical needs of the people.  Delegados also ensure that the community has music for liturgies, well-prepared lectors, and that on days when a priest comes to celebrate Mass, everything is ready.

Needless to say, Delegados fill a HUGE need in this parish.  In 2022, we have 4 priests for the 87 churches of the parish.  There is no way we can have Mass in every community every week.  In fact, most of the churches of our parish have Mass only a few times during the year, for many of our churches are a 2-hour drive, one-way, on extremely treacherous mountain roads.  Without Delegados, the Catholic Church in this part of Honduras would be in very, very poor shape.

Christ the King is the patronal feast day of the Delegados de la Palabra.