Congratulations, Deacon John!

June 30, 2020
Fr. Bob Kus
  1. On Saturday, June 27, 2020, John Walsh of our sister parish in Wilmington, North Carolina, was ordained at Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral in Raleigh, North Carolina with 14 other men as a permanent deacon.

John has visited our parish here in Reitoca in the past, so he is familiar with the life here.

The bishop of the Diocese of Raleigh has assigned Deacon John to continue serving at our sister parish, the Basilica Shrine of St. Mary in Wilmington, N.C.

The photo above was taken at the Holy Name of Jesus Cathedral on Saturday immediately following his ordination. From left to right are: son Cameron, Deacon John, wife Caryn, and son Evan. 

Congratulations Deacon John!


John Walsh

Thank you so much Fr. Bob! I couldn’t have done without your prayers and support. I only hope to be a fraction as good of a servant as you are.

July 1, 2020

Excellent!!!! You’re a good deacon, John!!! God bless you and be your guide always!! A hug in Christ!!

July 3, 2020
Sharon Brown

Congratulations John. Our Parish is so blessed to have you. You and your lovely wife are examples to all of us of selfless service and abundant devotion to our Church family. I look forward to returning to 8:30 Mass on Sunday, when this Pandemic is better under control. God bless you on this extraordinary part of your journey.

July 5, 2020