Easter 6 A – Cry out with joy

May 17, 2020
Fr. Bob Kus

On this Sixth Sunday of Easter, we read from Psalm 66:


Cry out with joy to God, all the earth;

O sing to the glory of his name.

O render him glorious praise.

Say to God, “How awesome your deeds!” (1-3a)


In the church of Our Lady of the Rosary in Manzanilla, a community of Curarén, the music ministers always put that psalm into action, for they not only provide excellent music during the Mass, but they also like get people “warmed up” before the Masses with their lively music.

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I see people united in community spirit and love of her Church, when I view the photos in your blog. I am missing attending Church service physically right now, but I am so appreciative of your blog and stories. Thank you for providing inspiration and an example of God’s work in the world today. God gave us two arms, one to help ourselves, and one to help each other.

May 17, 2020