Farmacia Candelaria

July 6, 2020
Fr. Bob Kus

December 18, 2019 was a very big day for our parish, for on that day, we dedicated a second pharmacy to our parish’s healthcare system – Farmacia Candelaria – in the municipality of Curarén, F.M., Honduras.

This was the first of our healthcare projects that was founded by the Red Lantern Foundation, a 501c3 nonprofit group that seeks to assist poor Catholic churches in Latin America with small projects that they would be unable to accomplish without help.

The pharmacy is named after the “mother church” of Curarén, Nuestra Señora de Candelaria – Our Lady of Candelaria.  “Candelaria” refers to the feast of candles, February 2nd, which celebrates the Presentation of Jesus in the temple as an infant.  To learn more about this feast, see the second chapter of the Gospel of Luke.

In the above photo, we see the healthcare staff of Clínica Santa María and Farmacia San Francisco de Asís in Reitoca as well as the pharmacist and pharmacy tech of Farmacia Candelaria who gathered for the dedication.  The pharmacy, on the left in the photo, is in the Mercado of the community with a stunning view of surrounding mountain ranges.