Food for San Lorenzo Festival

August 5, 2020
Fr. Bob Kus

One of the best things about the various festivals celebrated in the communities of our parish is the abundance of delicious foods!  In addition to snack food – such as popcorn and chips – there is an abundance of grilled and fried meats, vegetables, breads, and fruit. Plus, there are plenty of desserts.

In the above photo, we see a vendor in Alubarén ready for the crowds that are in the pueblo to celebrate the annual festival of the town’s patron saint, San Lorenzo (St. Lawrence). 

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Your blog is one of the brightest times of Sunday’s now, for me. Due to a medical condition, I have opted to attend Sunday Mass online for now. After Mass I go right to your blog and read your scripture and stories. Please keep me in your prayers Father. I always keep you and your community in mine. Thank you, and may God continue to bless you.

August 9, 2020