Guadalupe Procession in Anís

October 28, 2020
IFTTT Autopost

In the above photo, we see many members of the community of Anís escorting my driver Danilo and me into their church to celebrate Mass.  Serenading the priest into the church for Mass is a custom of this community, for they are so thrilled to have a priest visit that want to do everything they can to make it a memorable experience.  This remote community only has Mass a few times per year.  On other Thursdays and Sundays, the Delegados de la Palabra conduct Liturgy of the Word services.

This particular day was December 12, 2019, feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, patron saint of their community and patron saint of all the Americas.  Following Mass, many women of the community served food for everyone.

Anís is a beautiful community of Curarén, F.M., Honduras.

1 comment

Richard Creech

They understand that Mass is a joyful celebration.

October 28, 2020