Happy Fall, USA

September 21, 2022
IFTTT Autopost

Tomorrow, people in the United States of America enter into the season of fall, also more formally called “autumn.”

In fall, daylight becomes shorter, the temperatures are not so hot as they were in summer, and the leaves of deciduous trees turn magnificent reds, oranges, yellows, golds, and browns. 

Best of all, fall brings Thanksgiving and escorts us to the most magical of all times of the year, Christmas.

Where I live in Honduras, we don’t have spring and fall, we only have “summer” (November-April), and “winter” (May-October).  Both seasons are basically the same temperature-wise, and both pretty much have 12-hours of light and 12-hours of dark every day.  However, in “winter,” it rains in the afternoon and evening at times, and in “summer,” it’s more like a desert where we can have months without a drop of rain.

So, everyone who lives in the Northern Hemisphere, “Happy Fall!”