Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, & Joseph – C

December 29, 2024
IFTTT Autopost

Today we celebrate the feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. 

Many people use this feast day to reflect on their own family.  And that is a good thing, for today there are more varieties of “family” than ever before in recorded history.  A family is a group of people who say they are family. Sometimes they are related by blood, and other times they are related solely by love.  It is not uncommon, for example, for members of Catholic religious orders to say that the members of their order are their family.

Families are designed to be groups where a person can grow and flourish, where dreams and hopes are nurtured, where triumphs are celebrated, and where struggles are shared.

As you know, though, many families do not live up to their noble calling.  They became the opposite of loving and nurturing places, and as a result, they become places from which to flee. 

On this feast of the Holy Family, it would be a good idea to reflect on your own families.  How are they doing?  Are they places of love, joy, laughter, and support?  Or do they need some serious work?

Today’s image is a statue of the Holy Family in the Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe in the Reitocan community of Guadalupe, F.M., Honduras.