Lent 1 C – Temptation

March 6, 2022
IFTTT Autopost

Today, we celebrate the First Sunday of Lent.

In the Gospel passage we have today from Luke (4: 1-13), we read the story of the devil tempting Jesus with food, power, and glory.  Jesus, being God as well as human, refused to give into the devil.

The moral of the story is, of course, that we should be like Jesus, rejecting temptation to engage in evil.

Temptation, in this context, refers to a desire to do something we know is wrong for us.  In other words, the “something” is against our conscience.  Temptation is not evil in itself, so we should never feel badly when we’re tempted.  What is bad is when we give into a temptation that is in violation of Jesus’ triple love command of loving God, others, and self.

As we get older, we should have a bag full of tricks to help us combat tempting things, such as avoiding people, places, and things that get us into trouble.  Other things that can help us include prayer, daily examination of conscience, spiritual reading, and the like.