Lent 2 C – Transfiguration of Jesus

March 16, 2025
IFTTT Autopost

Today we celebrate the Second Sunday of Lent.

In today’s Gospel reading (Luke 9: 28b-36), we hear the story of the Transfiguration of Jesus.

In the story, Jesus takes Peter, James and John up on a mountain.  Suddenly, Jesus became “transfigured” before the disciples, that is, his clothes became dazzling white.  Then, two long-dead figures from the Old Testament appeared with Jesus: Moses and Elijah.  Moses represents the Law of the Old Testament, and Elijah represents the Prophets of the Old Testament.

The disciples, upon seeing Moses, Elijah, and Jesus, decide to honor them equally.  Suddenly, however, a cloud came over the whole scene and a voice from the cloud said, “This is my beloved Son.  Listen to him.”  When the disciples looked up, they saw that Moses and Elijah had disappeared, leaving only Jesus.

The symbolism of the story is clear: the Old Testament law and prophets have disappeared, and now they are fulfilled in Jesus.  Therefore, we only need Jesus.

Unfortunately, many people through the ages have become confused just as the disciples were.  Instead of following Jesus and his commands alone, they get confused and begin following others such as politicians, religious leaders, or even political parties. 

When you are tempted to follow someone other than Jesus, reflect on this: is their message in harmony with Jesus Triple Love Command, to love God, neighbor, and self?  If not, reject it.

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