Lent 3 A – The Woman at the Well

March 12, 2023
IFTTT Autopost

On this Third Sunday in Lent, we hear, in the Gospel of John (4: 4-42), the story often called “The Woman at the Well.”

In the story, Jesus was passing through a Samaritan town and came to Jacob’s well.  There, he asked a Samaritan woman if she would give him a drink.  This was highly unusual behavior, for Jews and Samaritans did not interact with each other.

But Jesus and the woman began talking, and Jesus told her about “life-giving water.”  As the conversation went on, the woman came to believe that Jesus was the long-awaited Messiah.

The woman, excited with this insight, spread the good news to others.  Soon, other Samaritans came to believe in Jesus as the “savior of the world.”  The woman at the well, whose name is never mentioned, can be said to be one of the first missionaries of the Church.