Meet Dr. Aaron

April 29, 2020
Fr. Bob Kus

Okay, so the primary purpose of this blog is to share my missionary experiences with you.  And although I had the idea and writing skills, I totally lacked the technical knowledge to enter the world of blogging and the zillions of things one needs to know about plug-ins, social media, marketing, and the like.  Coming to my rescue, however, was my dear friend, Dr. Aaron Mejía, the “brains” of the blog.  Today, I introduce him to you.

Dr. Aaron Enrrique Mejía Fúnez has been a physician in Clínica Santa María in Reitoca, F.M., Honduras, for three and a half years.  Clínica Santa María is one of the healthcare projects of our parish here in Reitoca.

Dr. Mejía was born on October 3, 1988 in Tegucigalpa, F.M., the capital of Honduras.  There, he attended his first eleven years of school at the Instituto Salesiano San Miguel.  He followed this by eight years of study at UNAH – Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras – where he obtained his M.D.

Aaron’s mother, Agripina, is a lawyer, and his father, Marco Tulio, now deceased, was an accountant and a Captain in the Honduran Army and war veteran.  Aaron’s brother Dan is a civil engineer who uses his graduate work in administration and finances to run his own business.

Aaron likes electronics, 3D model building, and fútbol (the sport Americans call “soccer”), and he uses his creative skills – and drone – to help his brother in his civil engineering business.

In the future, Dr. Aaron would love to have a large and close family.  He also dreams of one day obtaining a 4-year neurology residency to become a neurologist.  As for Clínica Santa María, he would love to see it become a 24/7 enterprise composed of many specialists offering a wide array of services to for the poor.

After eleven years of Catholic school, Aaron has a strong faith.  Every morning when he wakes up, he asks God to give him the knowledge to serve his patients and have a mind and spirit focused on giving the best care he can no matter what is going on around him or in his life.

Dr. Aaron is very popular not only with the patients he serves, but also with the health care staff.


Aaron Mejia

Thanks fr. bob for this space on you Blog!!!
I am really glad to help you and I am fortunate to meet a person like you and I hope this friendship continues to grow.

April 29, 2020
Valencia López

great blogs! thanks fr Bob.

April 29, 2020
Maureen Adam

Thank you for this update. It is good to have tech savvy friends! I look forward to the next one!

April 30, 2020
Patty Williams

Very interesting guy! We all need a tech savvy person in our life! Thanks for your blog, Fr Bob.

April 30, 2020
Laura Vinson

Dr. Aaron is such an asset to Clinica Santa Maria and to you! Keep up the wonderful work you are doing in Honduras and may God continue to bless you with good health always! Laura

April 30, 2020

Great story. Brings back memories of my time in Honduras.

April 30, 2020
Arlene Fisher

I enjoy your blogs. I so often wished I could have made it back to Honduras. That for me was a life changing trip that I will forever cherish. I miss Angelina and all the beautiful people we stayed with. I have you to thank for that experience.

April 30, 2020