Meet Miguel!

June 24, 2020
Fr. Bob Kus

Today I introduce to you Miguel Zelaya, a valued member of the healthcare team of our parish.

Mr. Miguel Ángel Zelaya Carillos was born on the feast of St. Michael the Archangel, September 29, 1970 in Reitoca, F.M. Honduras. 

Miguel’s father and mother, Julian and Ceferina, live in Rebalse, a community of Reitoca.  Like the rest of their family, they are very active in their community’s Catholic church, Our Lady of Suyapa.

Miguel is the eldest of five children.  His brothers are Hector Enrique and Isaías, and his sisters are Reina Margarita and Orbelina.  He lives with his wife Hilda and 5-year old son, Miguel, whose birthday is September 28th.

Miguel attended Escuela José Trinidad Cabañas in Reitoca for six years as a child.  He also has a diploma from the American Heart Association in CPR – cardiopulmonary resuscitation. 

From the very beginning of Clínica Santa María, Miguel has been the official driver for staff and patients in need, often finding himself racing to the hospital in Tegucigalpa – a trip that takes between two to three hours one-way – to transport desperately ill clinic patients who need further care.  He also takes excellent care of the clinic’s car and other machinery.

Mr. Zelaya loves to learn new ways to serve his patients.  For the last couple of years, he has been receiving on-the-job training from microbiologist, Dr. Valencia, in the St. Mary Laboratory. Now, he is able to prepare slides for the microscope, draw blood, and take histories. 

When he is not working in the clinic, Miguel dedicates most of his time to his family and helping out in the fields with corn and bean crops.  He greatest love is watching over the well-being of his loved ones.  He also watches the St. Mary House when staff members are gone on weekends to Tegucigalpa or on vacation.

For the future, he wants to continue working at Clínica Santa María and continue learning as many new things as he can to better serve others.  He would also like to travel to the United States. In the past, he has been able to work in California, Colorado, Nevada, Utah, and Wyoming.

Mr. Zelaya feels very blessed and grateful for being part of Clínica Santa María. Because of that, he tries to give his very best to his work.  He has faith that the clinic will continue to grow every day and help as many people as possible.