OT 17 C – Persistence in Prayer

July 24, 2022
IFTTT Autopost

On this Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time, we read about prayer and the need to be persistent in our prayer life (Luke 11: 1-13).

After teaching his disciples the “Lord’s Prayer” or “Our Father,” he reminds them that they need to be persistent when asking for things.  However, Jesus reminds the disciples that just because they ask for something does not necessarily mean that is what God will give them.  For like a loving parent, God will not give his children something that is dangerous, any more than a father would give his child a scorpion when the child asks for an egg.  And only God knows the “big picture;” as humans, we only catch glimpses of the “big picture.”

In today’s photo, we see a man praying in the Adoration Chapel of the Basilica of Our Lady of Suyapa in Suyapa, a suburb of Tegucigalpa.