OT 31 A – Humilty

November 5, 2023
IFTTT Autopost

In today’s Gospel reading from Matthew (23: 1-12), we read about one of the virtues that Jesus loved very much, humility.  After telling his disciples not to use their religion to show off, he told them, “The greatest among you must be your servant.  Whoever exalts himself will be humbled; but whoever humbles himself will be exalted.”

In his ministry, Jesus once gave a very profound demonstration of serving others.  He got up from table, put on an apron, and washed the feet of his disciples.  Here was “the greatest” serving the followers.

We have unlimited opportunities to serve those in need, people who don’t have all the blessings we have.  One of the simplest ways to do this, and it doesn’t cost a penny, is to be kind and respectful toward everyone we meet.  Whenever I encounter a person who is friendly to a janitor or cleaning person, I think to myself, “They’re living what Jesus taught.”

How do we put others before ourselves?  What could we do better?

In this photo, we see a young man putting a patient from our clinic, Clínica Santa María in Reitoca, into a truck that will take him to the hospital in Tegucigalpa, a two-hour journey.