OT 7 C – The Golden Rule

February 23, 2025
IFTTT Autopost

Today, Catholic Christians celebrate the Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, and we encounter a Gospel selection that is packed with instructions on how we are to live.

In the Gospel from St. Luke (6: 27-38), we are told to: love our enemies; bless those who curse us; pray for those who mistreat us; turn the other cheek when another person strikes us; give to whoever asks of us; show mercy; stop judging; forgive; and give to others.  Wow!  That list is enough to keep all of us on our toes!

But sandwiched in this list of Christian Commandments, we encounter what has become known as “The Golden Rule.”  This commandment says, “Do to others as you would have them do to you” (Luke 6: 31).

Just think of what a world this would be if we would all, always, follow the Golden Rule.  It staggers the imagination.