Our Lady of Candelaria: Patron Saint of Curarén, F.M., Honduras

February 2, 2022
IFTTT Autopost

Today is called Candlemas Day, a day when Christians in the past brought candles to their churches to have the priest bless them.  Even today, though, there are many parts of the world where this custom continues.

Today, the feast is more commonly known as the Presentation of the Lord, a day celebrating the presentation of Jesus in the temple as an infant, and the purification of his mother Mary.  To learn more about this feast, read the Gospel of Luke 2: 22-40.

In Curarén, the largest of the five municipalities of our parish, the main church is called Our Lady of Candelaria.  If you’ve been following this blog from the beginning, you’ll know that this is the church that is nicknamed, “The Church the Devil Built”.  The “Candelaria” refers to this feast day, so the pueblo of Curarén has a festival each year to celebrate the feast.

In the photo above, we see a picture of Our Lady of Candelaria, patron saint of Curarén, F.M., Honduras.