Dr. Marco Tulio Mejía Gives Medical Supplies

May 13, 2020
Fr. Bob Kus

Dr. Marco Tulio Mejía, Director of the healthcare projects of the parish of San Francisco de Asís in Reitoca, F.M., Honduras, gave a donation on behalf of Clínica Santa María on April 28, 2020 to the health department that covers three of the five municipalities of our parish.  Among the COVID-19 supplies were masks, boxes of gloves in different sizes, glasses, adult ventilator attachments, pediatric ventilator attachments, and hand sanitizers and hand sanitizer fluid.

Accepting the donations were, from left to right: Beliz Alicia Oyuela, director of the health department overseeing the municipalities of Alubarén, Curarén, and Reitoca; Laurent J. Salgado, nurse; and Óscar Velásquez, psychologist.  Dr. Marco is on the far right.


1 comment

Lorraine Westermark

So glad to see these supplies.

May 13, 2020