Servant of God Darwin Ramos: Filipino Teen Missionary of Joy

September 22, 2023
IFTTT Autopost

Darwin Ramos was born on December 17, 1994 in Pasay City in the metropolitan area of Manila, capital of the Philippines.  Darwin was the second child of a very poor family that lived in a slum in Pasay City.

Darwin’s mother washed clothes for a living, while his father was an alcoholic who didn’t have a regular job.  As a child, Darwin and his younger sister became scavengers on the street, picking through garbage to get plastics to sell to help the family survive.  Because of extreme poverty, the children did not get to go to school.

Unfortunately, Darwin began having weakness in his legs, and this led to his stumbling more and more frequently.  Eventually, he was unable to stand.  He was diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, a genetic progressive neurological disease.  Because of their poverty and Darwin’s illness, the family became homeless, living on the street.

Darwin’s father decided to make money off of his son’s condition by preying on others’ pity and generosity.  Therefore, every day, the father took Darwin to the Liberty LRT (light rail transit) station to beg passers-by for money.  Darwin was very humiliated by this, but as a dutiful son, he would painfully hold out his hands to receive the pesos that people would give.  Darwin’s father took much of the money to buy himself alcohol, but that was okay with Darwin as long as there was enough money to feed his mother and siblings.

In 2006, some street educators from Tulay ng Kabataain (Bridge of Children) Foundation came into contact with Darwin and his family while Darwin was panhandling at the Libertad Station.  When they invited him to come and live with other boys and girls who needed care because of special disabilities, Darwin happily agreed.

When he was 12, Darwin became Catholic and celebrated the three sacraments of initiation: Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation. 

For the next five-plus years, Darwin spent his life living his life in the center in such an extraordinary way, that he was Christ to one and all.  He was not a missionary who traveled to other lands or even throughout his own land.  Rather, he was like a bright light for the children, youth, and staff in the home.  He offered his life and the suffering from his disease as his “mission.”  In many ways, he was quite similar to Servant of God Silvio Dissegna, an Italian boy in Italy who died from bone cancer at the age of 12 and who offered his suffering for others, such as missionaries. 

Staff reported that Darwin was always pleasant and never complained.  He was always saying “thank you” and “I love you,” and he showed his support to one and all, especially the children and youth who were having hard time. 

Every day, Darwin gave himself to Jesus, and the staff reported he had a strong relationship to the Lord.  One caregiver gave an example of typical Darwin-like behavior.  Darwin had a fever, but he insisted on being helped get out of bed so he could lead evening prayers for the other children.

On Sunday, September 16, 2012, a nurse brought Darwin to the Philippine Children’s Medical Center in Quezon City because he was having difficulty breathing.  When the priest from his home came to visit him, the first thing Darwin did was saying he was sorry he caused the priest to worry.  Darwin thanked the priest for everything he had done for him.

On September 20, Darwin experienced a spiritual battle.  Darwin told the priest, “We must pray.”  The priest replied, “Of course, Darwin, but why do you need to pray?”  Darwin reported he was fighting.  When the priest asked if he was fighting against his disease, Darwin replied, “I am fighting against the devil.”

On Friday, September 21, Darwin received the Sacrament of the Sick.  With a big smile on his face, he wrote the last two sentences in his notebook: “A huge thank you” and “I am very happy.”

Darwin died on Sunday, September 23, 2012, at the age of 17.  All of the children and youth of Tulay ng Kabataan Foundation attended the funeral.  Today

Today, Darwin is now known as a Servant of God.  If he is ever canonized, he might be the first non-martyr saint of the Philippines.