Students of Apafierro

August 31, 2020
IFTTT Autopost

In this photo, we see some of the students of Apafierro, a community of Curarén, F.M., Honduras nestled in a pine forest.

The students were eager to have their picture taken before I went to their church, Santa Teresita, to celebrate Mass, and before they began their classes for the day.

The climate of Apafierro is very refreshing.


Lorraine Westermark

These children are so beautiful.
I wish that I was in my 60s instead of 70s and had the energy to do begin a Suzuki Program in Honduras. Then I think of you and I am not fully retired yet and I am married with children who would miss me if I went that far. I do believe it is a part of the International Suzuki Program.
Today, Gustavo Dudamel is the LA Philharmonic. And as far as I understand the program that he help begin is still goin in Venezuela. Enjoy! I also have a DVD

August 31, 2020
Lorraine Westermark

Researched Suzuki Programs without Boards and as of now there are none in Honduras. Sorry.

September 1, 2020
Sebastián Cruz Hernández

Muy apreciado hermano Presbítero ROBERT J.”BOB” KUS le expreso mis sinceras gracias por su espíritu Misionero, en tierras Catrachas, particularmente en la Parroquia San Francisco de Asís, en el Municipio de Reitoca, al sur de la Arquidiócesis de Tegucigalpa. Dios le recompense sus muchas Jornadas Pastorales de cada día, en el buscar el mayor bienestar material, pero sobre todo espiritual de nuestros hermanos feligreses. Cuente siempre con mis humildes oraciones, su servidor P. Sebastián Cruz Hernández

September 4, 2020