Today is Father’s Day in Honduras and many Catholic-majority nations of the world, because March 19 is the feast of Saint Joseph, patron saint of fathers. The vocation of father …
Today is the 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time, and it is Father’s Day in the 3 major nations of North America: Canada, Mexico, and the United States of America. In …
In Honduras, like many other predominately-Catholic countries of the world, today is the feast of St. Joseph and, as such, is celebrated as Father’s Day. So, Happy Father’s Day! Not …
Today is the Fourth Sunday of Lent. In Honduras and many other majority Catholic nations of the world, we also celebrate today as Father’s Day as March 19 is the …
On this 12thSunday in Ordinary Time, we read in the Gospel of Mark (4: 35-41) how frightened the disciples were as they were being tossed about in a ship during …
Today is the feast of St. Joseph, so in many countries of the world that are predominantly Catholic Christian such as Honduras, that means it is Father’s Day. So, Happy …
Although many countries that are primarily Catholic Christian, such as Honduras, celebrate Father’s Day on the feast of St. Joseph, March 19, in the United States of America, today is …
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