This is the Church of Malicre, a community of Curarén, F.M., Honduras. The name of the Church is Our Lady of Suyapa.
I first encountered this church community in 2016 when I was visiting the parish of San Francisco de Asís (Reitoca) as pastor of the Basilica Shrine of St. Mary in Wilmington, North Carolina, for Malicre is part of our sister parish here in Honduras. During that visit, I was with the new pastor of San Francisco de Asís, Fr. Gustavo González, who was visiting the newly-constructed church for the first time. It was not painted in 2016, for the people had just finished it.
In September of 2018, I went back to the community as a full-time missionary priest, and I was delighted to find a very vibrant and devout group of Catholic Christians who were most welcoming and friendly.