Today, Catholic Christians celebrate the Second Sunday of Easter. It is also called Divine Mercy Sunday, a day when we celebrate the idea that God’s love and mercy have no …
Today, we celebrate Easter, the most exalted feast day of the year. In today’s Gospel reading from John, we read: “On the first day of the week, Mary of Magdala …
Today, Catholic Christians celebrate Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion, the beginning of Holy Week. On this day, we read the following from the Gospel of St. Luke: After he …
On this Fifth Sunday of Lent, we read the story of a woman caught in adultery (John 8: 1-11). To test Jesus, some scribes and Pharisees came to Jesus and …
Today, Catholic Christians celebrate the Fourth Sunday of Lent. On this day, we read the beautiful story called The Prodigal Son in the Gospel of Luke. In the story, the …
Today, Catholic Christians celebrate the Third Sunday of Lent. On this day, we read about Jesus telling a story called the Parable of the Barren Fig Tree (Luke 13: 1-9). …
Today we celebrate the Second Sunday of Lent. In today’s Gospel reading (Luke 9: 28b-36), we hear the story of the Transfiguration of Jesus. In the story, Jesus takes Peter, …
Today, we celebrate the First Sunday of Lent. In the Gospel passage we have today from Luke (4: 1-13), we read the story of the devil tempting Jesus with food, …
On this 8thSunday in Ordinary Time, we have two Scripture passages that show us how what a person does and says reflect what is inside that person. In the Gospel …
Today, Catholic Christians celebrate Sunday 7 in Ordinary Time, and we encounter a Gospel selection that is packed with instructions on how we are to live. In the Gospel from St. …
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