Today we celebrate the Second Sunday of Lent. In today’s Gospel reading (Mark 9: 2-10), we hear the story of the Transfiguration of Jesus. In the story, Jesus takes Peter, …
Today Catholic Christians celebrate the First Sunday of Lent. In the Old Testament reading of the day, we hear the story of why God created the rainbow. After the “big …
Today, Catholic Christians celebrate the 6thSunday in Ordinary Time. But also, on this day, many celebrate World Marriage Day, a day set aside to celebrate the Sacrament of Marriage. …
Today, we celebrate the 5thSunday in Ordinary Time. And on this day, we hear from Job who shares his dark night of the soul. He says: “Is not man’s life on …
Today we celebrate the 4thSunday in Ordinary Time. In St. Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians that we encounter today, Paul starts out by telling the Christians that he doesn’t …
Today, Catholic Christians celebrate the 3rdSunday in Ordinary Time. And on this day, we read how Jesus called Andrew and his brother Simon Peter, and then the Zebedee brothers, James …
God has a plan for each person. The process of figuring out what God would like us to do with our lives is called “discernment.” For some people, God’s call …
Today, on this feast of the Baptism of the Lord, we read: “It happened in those days that Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee and was baptized in the Jordan …
Today, Catholic Christians celebrate the feast of the Epiphany, or “showing,” of the Christ Child to visitors from the East. These visitors, sometimes called the Three Kings or Three Wise …
Today we celebrate the feast of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. For many people, this feast day is used to reflect on their own family. And that …
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