In our parish, San Francisco de Asís, we now have 90 churches with four priests. The churches are scattered over an area of 250-square miles of mountains. Roads in between …
The photo above is taken from the deck of the Four Martyrs’ House on the Holy Cross Campus in Reitoca, F.M., Honduras. The house is dedicated in memory of four …
One of the things that makes being a priest in the far-flung mountain parish of San Francisco de Asís very interesting is never knowing exactly what tasks will be waiting …
In this photo, we see my former driver, Danilo Munguía, chatting with the people of Porvenir, a community of Curarén. Danilo is the one in the cowboy hat. The churches …
If you’ve been a faithful follower of MissionPriest.Com, you know that almost every week, I feature a “missionary hero,” a man or woman who made an important contribution to the …
This is the beautiful new church of Our Lady of Suyapa in the Curarén community of El Arado. Children of the community helped Fr. Bob bless the church on February …
On Saturday, February 4 of this year, I had the opportunity to celebrate Mass in the Curarén community of El Arado. The name of the church is Our Lady of …
The season of Lent, which goes from Ash Wednesday until the beginning of the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday for Catholic Christians, has special symbols. In the …
Catholic Christians in the United States celebrate Catholic Schools’ Week from January 29 – February 4, 2023. Although our sister parish, the Basilica Shrine of St. Mary in Wilmington, North …
80% of Honduras is classified as mountainous, and the parish of San Francisco de Asís, headquartered in Reitoca, F.M., is no exception. Therefore, it is pretty easy to get property …
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