Drs. Valencia & Aaron visit Farmacia Candelaria

November 23, 2020
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In this photo, we see Drs. Valencia López (microbiologist) and Aaron Mejía (physician) visiting Farmacia Candelaria in the Mercado in Curarén, F.M., Honduras. The occasion was the dedication of this facility on December 18, 2019.

The pharmacy, which is on the left in the photo, is a project of the Red Lantern Foundation, whose mission it is to help poor Catholic churches with small projects.  In time, we hope that Farmacia Candelaria will make enough money that it can help support many of the little projects, such as putting on a new church roof, buying tiles for church floors, purchasing musical instruments for liturgy, or buying chairs for the people to use in the churches.

1 comment

Richard Creech

Great job, I see in this photo Dr Aaron and Dr Valencia are social distancing, being very socially responsible.

November 23, 2020