Happy New Year!

January 1, 2023
IFTTT Autopost

There was once a little girl sitting at her kitchen table intently printing words on a piece of paper with a crayon.  Her aunt said, “Honey, what are you doing?” 

The little girl said, “I’m writing the Bible.”

“But Honey,” replied the aunt, “the Bible has already been written.”

“Not like I’m writing it!” replied the little girl with all the confidence in the world.

I love this little story, because as a writer and a priest, I like to envision a human life as book.  Each day is a page in the book, and each of us gets to create whatever we want on the page.  The sky’s the limit!  How could writers ever be bored, for every day, writers can go to wherever their imagination leads!

On this first day of a new year, I like to make a New Year’s resolution.  I used to make abstract ones, but I discovered that the more nebulous the resolutions were, the harder it was to determine if I had accomplished them at the end of the year.  I also learned that the fewer the resolutions, the more likely I would accomplish them.  So, this year, I am making one resolution: to write and publish two books.  One of the books will be my 2022 journal, and the other will be Volume 3 of my new book series, Catholic Missionary Heroes.  

On December 31, 2023, God willing, I’ll let you know how my resolutions turned out.

Oh, by the way, for 2022, my New Year’s Resolution was to write and publish the first volume of a new book series I am starting, Catholic Missionary Heroes.  I’m happy to say that I met the goal.  In fact, I went over the goal by publishing Volume 1 in both English and Spanish versions, and Volume 2 in English.

As you begin the New Year, I wish you much peace and joy, and a host of wonderful dreams.  And I pray that whatever storm clouds come your way, you will be able to weather them with style and grace.

Happy New Year!

Father Bob