Marian Altar in Malicre

May 4, 2020
Fr. Bob Kus

In Honduras, Catholic Christians celebrate May as “Mary’s Month,” honoring the mother of Jesus in a special way.

In the churches of our parish, the people set up little “Marian altars.”  Each day, they come with flowers to offer the Virgin, and they stay and pray, meditate, read the Bible, and sing.

In the above photo, we see the little Marian altar in the church of Our Lady of Suyapa (patron saint of Honduras) in Malicre, a community of Curarén, F.M., Honduras.

Because there is always an abundance of fresh flowers growing in Honduras year-round, it is easy to find flowers for giving and decorating.


Sharon Brown

I remember as a child, every week during May, in Holy Trinity Church, in New Jersey, a young student from Holy Trinity School, was chosen to create a wreath of flowers to adorn the head of the Blessed Mother’s stature in the Church. It was a lovely form of adoration and all the students looked forward to this devotion every year. I love the picture above and can see the people of your parish have a special love and devotion to Our Lady.

May 11, 2020


May 13, 2020