Hoy es el Día del Padre en Honduras y en muchas naciones del mundo de mayoría católica, porque el 19 de marzo es la fiesta de San José, patrón de …
In our parish, San Francisco de Asís, we now have 90 churches with four priests. The churches are scattered over an area of 250-square miles of mountains. Roads in between …
This is the statue of St. Joseph holding young Jesus. It is found in the Church of San José in Lodo Negro, a community of Curarén. Unlike people in the …
This is the Church of San José in Lodo Negro, a community of Curarén. The community of Lodo Negro is an incredibly hard-working and vibrant one, always planning something to …
This is the Nativity Set of our parish’s church in San José Pedrero, a community of Curarén. The name of the church is San José (St. Joseph). Catholic Churches of …
This is the altar area of the new church of San José in El Tule, a community of Curarén, F.M., Honduras. In this photo, we see a guitarist practicing his …
This is the new church of San José in El Tule, a community of Curarén, F.M., Honduras. Though this is a poor community, the people take pride in their church …
These are some boys of San José, a community of Reitoca, F.M., Honduras. They are enjoying the day before Mass begins in the church of San José. San José has lots …
This is the Church of San José in San José, a community of Reitoca, F.M., Honduras. San José is about a five-minute drive from the center of Reitoca and sits …
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